Month: November 2010


Bauer readies Mother & Baby TV

Joanne Oatts

Bauer Media is to launch a parenting TV channel carrying the name of print magazine Mother & Baby as it continues to extend its brands across multiple platforms.


‘i will be a model for the newspaper industry’

MaryLou Costa

The managing director of i – The Independent’s new spin-off title – tells MaryLou Costa that the paid-for daily newspaper will satisfy an untapped appetite for bite-size quality content while returning a profit. Click here to read a Q+A with Andrew Mullins Click here to read what other marketers have to say to Andrew Mullins […]


Kinect could change the advertising game

Joanne Oatts

Microsoft’s Kinect gaming platform provides new opportunities for advertisers to speak to a family audience, not just the 18- to 34-year-old Call of Duty-playing male normally associated with the Xbox. Launched in the UK last week, Kinect allows XBox 360 gamers to use their voice and body as the controls. A reported £300m marketing campaign […]

I bet ‘i’ will go free

Marketing Week

The launch of i, from The Independent stable, is refreshing in a market that has been relatively dormant. It ticks the right boxes – it’s modern, accessible and more upmarket than Metro, it’s got an eye-catching cover, is colourful, has great signposting and an impressive news matrix. And it’s generated good feeling among media buyers, […]

Gap’s logo fiasco smacks of a put-up job to fuel publicity

Marketing Week

While it is important to demonstrate a willingness to listen to your customers, typical “big brand behaviour” involves a certain confidence and strength of image. It does not involve making a complete U-turn in a matter of days over something as crucial as a brand logo, just because of some negative comments online. The new […]

Why the customer review isn’t always right

Marketing Week

There’s no doubt that customer reviews can add value to a brand’s website, and contribute to building a conversation with customers (MW last week). But to have a real conversation, you need to have something to say. And if you want the conversation to be meaningful, what you say has to be both useful and […]

Web comment

Marketing Week

Mark Ritson’s column on the need for brand managers to pay attention to brand tracking prompted a flurry of responses. Read the original column at markritsontracking and see comment extracts below Two sides of the trackYes, tracking is important but with budgets tight it can seem an unnecessary expense to commit to research that […]

Wearing two hats is a challenge

Marketing Week

My caretaker manager stint overseeing the sales team continues to dominate my working week. It feels like a perfect storm as we strive to manage a cost price increase, agree annual joint business plans with our customers and cope without a permanent sales director. I am doing my best but feel slightly out of control, […]