Month: November 2010


All I want for Christmas

Joanne Oatts

As Christmas campaigns gain momentum, the thoughts of families across the UK are no doubt turning to what their little darlings are going to be screaming for Santa to bring them come 25 December. Research from YouGov this week revealed that 36% of UK consumers say they will be spending anything between £100 and £249 […]


Third Life: Merging of the virtual and real worlds

Josie Allchin

Norm Johnston, global digital leader at Mindshare Worldwide, explores the opportunities for advertisers in the ’Third Life’ virtual world. Last weekend I took my three young boys to the Tate Modern Gallery for a quick tour of some of the world’s best modern art. My plan to disperse some cultural wisdom was quickly quelled by […]


What’s in a number?

Josie Allchin

OutNow chief executive Ian Johnson takes the Office for National Statistics to task over its recent survey of the UK’s gay population that he says could be misleading for marketers. At a recent employment and diversity exhibition held in London, there was one corporate advertisement that stood out. There, in a publication primarily targeted at […]


Who’s who online and how to engage them

Josie Allchin

Joe Stubbs, junior consultant at Promise Communities, says that brands must understand the dynamics of what drives people’s desire to engage with them online. First, brands need to understand the different tiers of users that engage online. At the most basic level, there are users who merely consume content. These users may be regular visitors […]


Seeing a gap in the market can fill the gaps for your brand

MaryLou Costa

Responding to changing consumer behaviour has seen the luxury travel market evolve to stay strong despite the recession. With BA staff strikes, the Icelandic volcanic ash cloud, freak January snowstorms and ongoing issues with exchange rates, you can definitely spare a thought for those brands operating in the travel market. But, as I heard at […]