Month: November 2010

Gay-friendly brands will gain loyalty

Marketing Week

Despite the fact that the gay community accounts for 6% of the UK population, according to media advertising and marketing publishers MPG, they are only now starting to be specifically targeted in advertising and media campaigns in the mainstream press. As your article asserts (MW last week), the notion of the pink consumer has been […]

Demonstrate marketing’s effect on bottom line

Marketing Week

Your cover story (MW 28 October) rightly said that a fully-integrated marketing function is vital for business. But as a profession we need, more than ever before, to convince our boardroom colleagues of our contribution to the bottom line. Innovation in digital marketing and social media, for instance, can be hugely valuable and cost-efficient tools […]


Innovation drives return on investment from campaigns

Marketing Week

I agree with the article “Innovation will bear fruit despite budget squeeze” (MW last week) because with the economy still labouring, the famous quotation “innovate or die” has never been more applicable. But to innovate effectively, marketers must make a genuine step-change in their thought process. This means looking outside their department to see what […]


Get specialist help

Marketing Week

While the Bellwether report indicates confidence may be improving in the marketing community, times are hard and things are not going to get better any time soon (MW last week). Brands are having to make tough decisions. Although they understanding cutting budgets might be short-sighted, it is a luxury they simply cannot afford right now. […]

Stuart Smith on ITV and CRR

Stuart Smith

It’s always refreshing to see a new broom sweeping clean, and Adam Crozier, recently installed chief executive of ITV, did not disappoint as he squared up to a House of Lords select committee this week. Among the insights he disclosed was an admission that ITV programmes were crap. Sorry, I’ll rephrase that in commercial media-speak. […]


Join our celebration of your innovation

Mark Choueke

I’m tremendously excited about the launch of the 2011 Marketing Week Engage Awards. We unveiled the Engage Awards last year after rethinking the way that we deliver all content. At the time there seemed to be a widespread resignation that industry awards schemes lacked any real brand distinction and for that reason the various award […]