Month: December 2010


The nudge towards eCRM

Marketing Week

ECRM is not a quick fix but requires sustained investment and patience, explains Felix Velarde, managing director at Underwired Amaze. There are still some companies that haven’t understood the significance of eCRM (Electronic Customer Relationship Marketing). Yes, eCRM, that marketing nirvana, which comes with investment barriers that might make it impossible to buy. How could […]


Why social media doesn’t exist any more

Marketing Week

The rigid concept of social media built by marketers is dead, argues word of mouth specialist at 1000heads Molly Flatt. No, don’t worry. You haven’t lost your retouched Facebook photos or your underappreciated YouTube masterworks. The collection of platforms and tools we call ’social media’ – social networks, blogs, microblogs, forums, bookmarking and media sharing […]