Month: June 2011

Bailey Review is not window dressing

Russell Parsons

Here we are again. The third Government-commissioned report into the sexualisation of children, the third to conclude that childhood is being commercialised to the detriment of children. But Reg Bailey’s report is unlikely to be the third left gathering dust. As much as the advertising industry will be breathing a sigh of relief that the […]


All marketers should act like direct marketers

Russell Parsons

Earlier this year, it was written in this very electronic missive that all marketing is now direct marketing – a position that prompted considerable debate among you, the good readers of Marketing Week. It could be argued then, using this premise, that the winner of the Marketing Week Engage Award for best DM campaign is […]

Lord Alan Sugar

Art imitating life?

MaryLou Costa

MaryLou Costa is a key member of the Marketing Week features team and her blog brings her unique Australian perspective to brands. She also oversees the Market Research Focus weekly bulletin.


Why the FTSE 100 prefer Twitter to Facebook

Lara O'Reilly

Despite Facebook being the most popular social network on the planet, it seems two thirds of the FTSE 100 prefer Twitter. Of the top 100 companies in the UK, just 33 have their own Facebook page, compared with the 63 that are tweeting, according to research by Three_D, the social media division of Threepipe Communications. […]