Month: June 2011


Sponsors must kick FIFA where it hurts

Mark Choueke

I’ve witnessed first-hand the bizarre spectacle of FIFA president Sepp Blatter berating journalists. I was at FIFA’s headquarters in Zurich when headline sponsor Coca-Cola unveiled its 2010 World Cup campaign. The FIFA president was amiable throughout his presentation until a question came from the floor about security arrangements in South Africa, which Blatter dismissed with […]


Burberry offers a lesson in consistency

Josie Allchin

On any decent MBA course there is usually a marketing simulation. The class divides into six teams and each is assigned a specific brand. The teams then have to make strategic decisions on an annual basis and as these decisions are fed into the simulation their subsequent performance compared with the other teams is computed. […]


TfL has leveraged emotional insight to create a high impact teen campaign

MaryLou Costa

“Don’t die before you’ve lived” saw teenage road injuries and fatalities in London fall by 18%after the campaign launched in 2009 after an extensive ethnographic research project carried out by Transport for London (TfL). If anyone ever needed to demonstrate the power of insight towards creating campaigns that hit a target group’s sweet spot, and […]


Q&A: Jennifer Roberti, group marketing executive at South Africa based telecommunications and mobile finance brand MTN

Josie Allchin

Why the new African middle-class could be your next target audience: click here to read the cover feature SAB Miller attributed 80% of its profits to emerging markets in Africa and Asia, click here to read how beer brands are cracking the continent’s market Opportunity International specialises in the microfinace industry, click here to read […]

The microfinance market

Josie Allchin

Why the new African middle-class could be your next target audience: click here to read the cover feature SAB Miller attributed 80% of its profits to emerging markets in Africa and Asia, click here to read how beer brands are cracking the continent’s market Jennifer Roberti is the group marketing executive at South Africa based […]

New opportunities in Africa’s beer market

Josie Allchin

Why the new African middle-class could be your next target audience: click here to read the cover feature Opportunity International specialises in the microfinace industry, click here to read about how it wants to offer specialised loans to African businesses Jennifer Roberti is the group marketing executive at South Africa based telecommunications and mobile finance […]


GSK learns from web how to sell in-store

Lara O'Reilly

GlaxoSmithKline’s consumer healthcare division is using data gleaned from its e-commerce site GSK Direct to improve its in-store performance and identify the promotions that are most popular with consumers.