Jonathan Bacon

What's in a logo

What’s in a logo?

Jonathan Bacon

A host of brands have recently been ridiculed for changing their logos or altering familiar designs, but if you believe in the strategy, should you ignore the doubters?

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Data lessons from Scotland

Jonathan Bacon

In the space of a few days, data has turned the narrative of next week’s Scottish referendum on its head. Since YouGov published its weekend poll showing the Yes campaign in the lead for the first time by 51 per cent to 49 per cent, media outlets and politicians have been poring over the facts and figures underpinning this trend in a frantic attempt to understand how we’ve suddenly arrived at the brink of Scottish independence.

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Data teams must wise up to wearables

Jonathan Bacon

Is your organisation ready for the boom in wearable tech data? That might seem like a fatuous question given the complexity of the technology and the relatively early stage of its development, but it’s one that companies should be asking themselves if they want to remain ahead of the smart tech curve.  

Attitudes to smart technology trends

Smart homes lack consumer connection

Jonathan Bacon

View the full-size infographic. Despite the hype around new tech concepts such as the ‘connected home’ and the ‘internet of things’, consumers are sceptical about the cost of the technology and the role it will play in their lives, new research suggests.

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Premier League has become a data minefield for brands

Jonathan Bacon

The Premier League football season is once again upon us, with Manchester United getting proceedings underway against Swansea City on Saturday. Coming just over a month after the end of the World Cup, the prospect of more football mania will either excite or exhaust you, depending on your inclination. Marketers cannot afford to stand still, though, if they wish to maximise their upcoming football strategies.