

The celebrity CMO

Mindi Chahal

Celebrities are being given in-house branding roles but can they add more than just drawing a business into the spotlight and could they ever replace skilled marketers?

Russell Parsons

Data key to Groupon turnaround

Russell Parsons

For all the painfully honest deconstruction of his own performance contained in Andrew Mason’s resignation as CEO of Groupon last week, it was his candid admission that his intuition was often sidelined in favour of data that resonated the most.

Boardroom CMO

Big data breaks into the boardroom

Josie Allchin

‘Big data’ is the number one item on the CEO’s agenda for 2013, and it’s up to marketers to ensure that its role is appreciated and understood. Marketing Week’s Data Strategy Award winners give their take on how to make that happen.


Q&A with AB Inbev’s global CMO Miguel Patricio

Russell Parsons

Miguel Patricio’s career trajectory should provide marketers wishing to grow their influence in an organisation with inspiration. Beginning his career at what is now AB Inbev in 1998 as a marketer he climbed to region president of North America in 2005 and then led the strategically crucial Asia Pacific region in 2006. He rejoined the marketing ranks in July 2012 as global chief marketing officer. He talks to Marketing Week about revenue generation, the role of marketing in society, social media, his objectives for the brewer and “watery beer” gate.