
What do women really want?

MaryLou Costa

There continues to be a significant gender bias in the way we perceive brands, according to the results of recent research, which leaves many brand owners still figuring out how best to meet the needs of women.

The agency has completely gone off-piste… Are these the same guys that weeks earlier appeared to be surefire winners?

Marketing Week

I have just returned from a meeting with our design agency. We recently appointed it after a pitch process to revamp one of our most established brands. I am not sure that there is anything fundamentally wrong with the positioning of the brand, but the packaging looks a little outdated and is in need of some tender loving care to restore it to former glories.

Everything Everywhere: Vision

New name says it all

Marketing Week

We could have chosen any of the conventional naming styles for our Orange and T-Mobile joint venture – a nonsense Latin-esque name, a nondescript legalistic name or even a stolid acronym. And just imagine the criticism if we had.