

Cadbury launches dancing clothes ad

Rosie Baker

Cadbury Dairy Milk is launching its latest Glass and a Half Full Productions brand ad as part of a £6.2m campaign. The “charity shop” ad features second-hand clothes coming to life and dancing to Jermaine Stewart’s 80s hit ’You Don’t Have To Take Your Clothes Off’. The TV ad launches today (6 May) in the […]


Search sans frontiers

Josie Allchin

E-commerce currently relies on search – which is why retailers spend so much on paid search and SEO strategies. If you’re not at the top of the Google rankings, goes the thought, you’re nowhere, says Amanda Davie, managing director of digital consultancy Reform. For the UK that might be true, but it’s folly to assume […]


Sony must press restart on comms strategy to repair reputation

Lara O'Reilly

Sony PlayStation’s announcement that its database, which houses the details of over 77 million customers, was hacked could turn into the greatest data leak in history. The Sony PlayStation Network, that allows gamers to play against users around the globe, listen to music and watch films has now been offline for over a week. Although […]