Tussauds finds new chief as rival firm lures Varney

Marketing Week

Tussauds Group head of corporate marketing Nick Varney has resigned to become managing director of leisure company competitor Vardon Attractions. Varney will be replaced by Jill Britton, divisional director of marketing at Tussaud’s-owned Alton Towers. Britton will remain in her role at the theme park until next January to see through the first stages of […]

PPHN starts afresh with Touch brand

Marketing Week

After a year of constant staff upheavals, direct marketing agency PPHN is relaunching in July as Touch. Only one of the original founders of PPHN, creative partner Ian Haworth, is still at the agency. Stewart Pearson, who co-founded the agency in 1989, was forced out in August last year and last month PPHN managing director […]

Queasy rider to Unilever’s health

Marketing Week

Equating the company that brings you PG Tips, Persil and Lynx toiletries with the Devil might seem laughable at first. Until you realise that an influential US Christian lobbying group with 1 million members is in deadly earnest about it. The American Family Association is trying to organise a national boycott in a market where […]

Martin Mason quits post as MO’F marketing chief

Marketing Week

Poster giant More O’Ferrall is searching for a marketing director to replace Martin Mason following his sudden resignation last week. MO’F says the split is amicable and that Mason may continue to advise the company on certain aspects of its marketing. Mason joined the company from BSkyB, where he was Sky advertising director. Mason has […]

Bass to pour 200m into pub expansion initiative

Marketing Week

Bass Taverns plans to open up to 300 new outlets under its branded pub chains Fork & Pitcher, All Bar One and Innkeeper’s Fayre. It will spend a large part of its 200m expansion budget developing the chains over the next three years. The plans include expanding the mid-market Fork & Pitcher chain from 25 […]


Marketing Week

Companies realise the importance of customer data but, if the gathering process is not up to scratch, huge targeting opportunities can be missed. Sue Norris investigates the benefits of effective marketing technology

A remit to invest in Mersey’s pride

Marketing Week

The Mersey Partnership is about to roll out a 1m profile-building campaign, drawing on humorous stereotypical images of the area and its people. But is the initiative on the right track to lure investors? Tom O’Sullivan reports

Cordiant in chief executive quest

Marketing Week

Cordiant is now looking for a chief executive as a possible alternative to the vacant role of chairman, which it has been unable to fill since January. Cordiant’s current chief executive and acting chairman Charlie Scott is expected to work in harness with the successful candidate, either as chief executive or chairman. According to sources […]

UD tests youth market with Gordon’s herb drink

Marketing Week

United Distillers has begun trials of a new gin-based drink which it hopes will increase the Gordon’s brand appeal to a younger market. Ginzing is a mix of Gordon’s Special Dry Gin, herb extracts and citrus flavourings. Sold in 275ml bottles, it is only available in four Nottingham bars. UD will test Ginzing for a […]

MPs maul advertisers in Motion

Marketing Week

UK advertisers have been criticised in a House of Commons Motion for running ads during Channel 4’s screening of the controversial film, The Last Temptation Of Christ. The complaint comes in the same week as an influential US Christian lobby group is calling for a boycott of Unilever goods in protest at what it claims […]

Etam puts 8m redesign on ice

Marketing Week

Etam, the womenswear retailer, has frozen plans to refurbish its stores and take the chain upmarket. The troubled chain, which has 224 shops, is two-thirds of the way through an 8m refurbishment programme. But it is holding back on refitting the remaining shops until deciding how best to reposition the chain. One City analyst says […]