Taking a more accurate course

Marketing Week

I am writing to convey concern about Iain Murray’s article “Outward bound to failure” (MW January 13). Not only is the re- search, conducted by myself and Dr Sue Newell of Warwick University, misrepresented but the information is incorrect. I reside at the School of Sport & Exercise Sciences not the Department of Psychology. The […]

Shopper’s friend counters enemies

Marketing Week

The Consumers’ Association – and its public face, Which? magazine – has made a lot of enemies over the past 40 years, but as other bodies have their funds cut, its independent research is more vital than ever.

PepsiCo has to change TV campaign

Marketing Week

PepsiCo will have to bow to UK TV watchdogs and change its latest TV ad campaign. The soft drinks giant had intended to air new ads by Abbott Mead Vickers.BBDO which ridicule arch rival Coca-Cola. One of the ads, fronted by Cindy Crawford, shows a Coke can and knocks the competing product. (MW January 20) […]

An extended shelf life for novel ideas

Marketing Week

The text pants: `The sea seemed to mirror her own mounting passion, growing and swelling, engulfing her body as she thrashed and gasped with a mindless craving for the man who stimulated her to the brink of madness.” Obviously not your run-of-the-mill coupling, but one of the (less rude) scenes from The Devil and the […]

Lever rejects Persil Power pack flashes

Marketing Week

Lever Brothers has rejected Consumers’ Association demands that it attach extra safety warnings to packets of Persil Power. The demand for added warnings comes after a six-month CA investigation into allegations that even the reformulated powder, with reduced manganese, damages clothes. The association’s magazine Which? demands that Lever should print an explicit warning not to […]

Is television porn too hard to swallow?

Marketing Week

Television porn is forcing the UK Government to demand the that the European Commission tighten up rules on pornography and violence, to prevent exploitation by Europe’s satellite and cable TV channels. It is a strategy thrown into relief by news last week that Daily Sport owner David Sullivan plans to launch a satellite sports and […]

Small-screen laws are a sticky subject

Marketing Week

Computer pornography has become a Nineties folk devil – an invisible evil spreading through our playgrounds. But for police it is not a priority, partly because it is obviously a much less widespread problem than magazines, and also because it is hard to prosecute. The European Leisure Software Publishers Association (ELSPA) has pointed out that, […]

No Title

Marketing Week

Wella is about to launch a ú3.2m campaign to promote its hair colour brands. Some ú1m will be spent on a five-week drive for its Colour Confidence brand, breaking on February 20 (above).

BBH holds on to WH Smith work

Marketing Week

WH Smith is understood to have reappointed Bartle Bogle Hegarty to its ú11m (Register-MEAL) account, despite the agency’s refusal to repitch for the business (MW December 16).

Many strands make light work

Marketing Week

Multimedia has transformed business presentations by allowing speakers to react to the emotional and intellectual needs of their audience. The only problem is knowing which application to choose.

Discount chain slams Levi’s

Marketing Week

Levi-Strauss UK has been slammed by Matalan, one of the UK’s largest discount clothes retailers, for operating a restrictive distribution policy which has reduced the chain’s Levi’s supplies to a “trickle”. Matalan, a membership club with 2.3 million members, has referred the case to the Office of Fair Trading. But the OFT has declined to […]

Signet reviews signal progress

Marketing Week

We were a little disappointed to read that our advertising review is the result of “lacklustre Christmas sales” in the article “Signet reviews its advertising” (MW January 20). This is not the case. Our advertising has been reviewed along with all other areas of marketing following Dianne Thompson’s appointment as marketing director in March last […]

Report gives a force impression

Marketing Week

In his article “BJA makes army a prime target” (MW December 9), Chris Boulding describes a study on the armed forces carried out by BJ Associates. The aim of the study is to assess the susceptibility to advertising of officers leaving the armed forces and to suggest mediums by which firms can exploit this potential […]