More menopause ads banned for making misleading claims

The Advertising Standards Authority has banned two more ads for making unsubstantiated claims about relieving menopause symptoms.

The UK’s advertising watchdog has reinforced its stance of tackling misleading claims around the treatment of menopause symptoms by banning further ads from the UK.

The ads were identified for further investigation by the Advertising Standards Authority’s (ASA) Active Ad Monitoring system, which uses AI to search for ads that might be breaking the rules.

Happy Koala LLC, a supplements company trading at MenoDaily, used paid-for Facebook ads using a range of statements. These included captions claiming users had lost weight, experienced reduced bloating, become calmer and had more energy after using its supplements. The ads also suggested the product reduced brain fog and improved sleep levels.

Happy Koala said the ad had been shown in error and would not be used again in the UK. It also committed to implementing staff training on the issues that had been flagged.

The ASA cited the fact CAP code rules prohibit claims that food products can prevent, cure or treat human diseases and that claims a food can contribute to weight loss constituted health claims. It ruled that the ad must not appear again its current form.

Meanwhile, supplement brand Feel used a paid-for Facebook ad on 1 May this year featuring images of its Feel Menopause product. This claimed to offer ‘natural menopause support’ for symptoms such as hot flushes and disrupted sleep, with a testimonial supporting its claims.

ASA cracks down on health claims in ads for menopause supplements

The ASA challenged whether the claims in the ad stated or implied that the supplement could treat or help to cure symptoms of perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause and were in breach of the code and has banned the ad.

Feel Holdings responded that the use of testimonials was common practice in social media advertising and that the specific comments used were from a verified customer, but said the ad was no longer appearing.

It comes less than a month after the ASA banned two ads for Femtech Healthcare and Rejuvit Labs menopause products, after ruling they made misleading and unauthorised medical claims.

At the time the regulator said it has a duty to ensure that advertisers are not exploiting fears around the topic.
