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Unilever’s acquisition of Colman’s of Norwich this week means Leo Burnett, Procter & Gamble’s lead agency, is unlikely to hold onto the 4m account (Register MEAL). Leo Burnett picked up the Colman’s business in July last year (MW, July 29). The account will probably go to one of Unilever’s roster agencies which include Ogilvy & Mather, J Walter Thompson and SP Lintas. Meanwhile, Van den Bergh Foods sales director Peter Midwood will head a high-level management team to oversee the integration of Colman’s and Unilever…

…Bass has bought Robinsons Barley Water From Colman’s for 103m. Robinsons spent 5.7m with Bates Dorland last year (Register-MEAL), which is already a Bass roster agency.

A Leeds Permanent spokesman confirms all advertising will be reviewed after the merger with the Halifax takes place on August 1. The 21m Halifax work is handled by Bates Dorland and the Leeds, worth 3.2m, is handled by Abbott Mead Vickers.BBDO (Register-MEAL).

Kraft Jacobs Suchard says it has not made a final decision about the appointment of an agency to handle the launch of its Entenmann’s cake brand, which has been test-marketed through some Tesco outlets for a number of months. Kraft will not reveal a shortlist for the account.

J Walter Thompson won the Umbro worldwide account in a pitch handled by JWT Manchester business development director Grant Mercer, but has had to resign it after JWT simultaneously won the account for Nike Asia.

TBWA has been forced by the Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre to drop an ad for Nissan which parodies Baywatch.

The Bank of Scotland is searching for a Scottish ad agency as it approaches its tercentenary next year. The bank’s advertising has been handled piecemeal for the past few years.

Snickers, the Mars brand, is to sponsor next year’s Euro ’96 European football championship and the 1998 World Cup in France.

KFC’s new national TV campaign positions the

fast-food outlet as the place to feed the family on the cheap. A 30-second commercial, ‘Will’ by Ogilvy & Mather, features a family which has been left just 9.99 by a wealthy relative. Their disappointment vanishes, however, at the prospect of a 9.99 Family Feast at KFC. The ads break on Friday.


Mars picks Bates chief for new role

Marketing Week

Mars has appointed Bates Worldwide vice chairman Ken Rogers to a new role in which he will be responsible for the company’s Snackfoods Europe unit. The appointment re-establishes a link with the agency which Mars ditched earlier this year when it took more than 270m of global business out of Cordiant (which owns Bates). Its […]

Electronic media ‘threat to magazines’

Marketing Week

Traditional magazine publishing is under threat from the development of CD-Rom, the Internet and on-line services, according to research published at the Periodical Publishers’ Association’s Magazines ’95 conference this week. But publishers which adopt the new technology are well-placed to defend their commercial position, and could benefit from cheaper forms of information distribution, the study […]

Charlie pooh poohs soft drink No 2

Marketing Week

Watchers of the Royal Family may well have noticed that there is something not quite right about Prince Charles’ new range of soft drinks. The Duchy Originals herb and fruit blend comes in variants No 1 and No 3. There is no sign of a No 2. It was speculated that Chuck was about to […]