When victory leaves a bitter taste

Marketing Week

The analysis in last week’s issue on the recently withdrawn Calvin Klein ads raises a sticky issue other than the rights and wrongs of exploiting quasi-pornographic images of children, as discussed in the piece. Ironically, the ads have probably worked wonders in promoting Mr Klein’s products by dint of their very notoriety, in the same […]

New departure for tour firms?

Marketing Week

This year has been disastrous for the tour operators. Having over-estimated consumer demand for mass-market package holidays for summer 1995, their problems were compounded by the unexpectedly good weather which turned rainy Margate into the climatic equivalent of Marbella and encouraged Britons to holiday at home. The travel industry’s year-round policy of discounting seems to […]

Martini in comeback campaign

Marketing Week

Martini, the cause of many teenage hangovers in the Seventies, is being relaunched next week backed by a 5m marketing spend and a new television campaign, created by HHCL & Partners. A teaser TV ad breaks next week and features a montage of Martini ads from the Seventies, backed by its signature tune “Any time, […]

BBC regains drama show high ground

Marketing Week

The strength of the BBC’s resurgence in drama programming has been illustrated by research from CIA MediaLab. The channel’s programmes are preferred by 35 per cent of respondents. This compares with 29 per cent for ITV, 15 per cent for BBC2 and 11 per cent for Channel 4. The BBC’s drama ratings have improved dramatically […]

Cotton task for Chelsea Partnership

Marketing Week

The Chelsea Partnership has won the 1.5m pan-European advertising account for Cotton Council International, the US cotton industry’s export marketing division. The agency’s chief executive, Maryann Barone, says there is an increasing preference among consumers to buy cotton. However, the main thrust of the campaign is not to switch buyers from wool products but to […]

RAB campaign pays off as ad revenue increases

Marketing Week

Total radio advertising revenue for the year to June 1995 was 246.3m, the Radio Advertis ing Bureau confirmed this week as it unveiled the latest phase in its 4m generic marketing campaign. Revenue from national brands makes up more than half of all commercial radio revenue and is accelerating, according to figures compiled by the […]

Coral marketing director to quit

Marketing Week

Bookmaker Coral is losing its marketing director, Kelvin Stacey, who is leaving at the end of the month and will not be replaced. Stacey, who has been with the company for six years, is quitting to continue an MBA at Cranfield and will work as a consultant at Coral until the end of November. A […]

Sol architect departs as merger is secured

Marketing Week

Maison Caurette chief executive and founder Harry Drnec is the sole casualty of the company’s merger with Latchford Wine Holdings this week. Drnec, who set up the beer distribution company in 1989, was responsible for the introduction of premium beers such as Sol and Miller Genuine Draft in the UK. The firm, however, has been […]

Carlton cautions on ITV minutage

Marketing Week

ITV will be committing commercial suicide if it replaces programme promotions with increased advertising minutage in order to reduce television airtime inflation, advertisers have been told. Martin Bowley, managing director of Carlton UK Sales, told a media inflation conference last week that peak-time ITV was already saturated with commercial minutage and an extra 30 seconds […]

United Y-front against the French

Marketing Week

The French Embassy has been inundated with hate mail from writers pledging to give up their favourite French plonk or perfume following the resumption of nuclear testing at Muroroa Atoll. How far it has hit French products has yet to be calculated. But an embassy spokeswoman says that if the mail coming into her office […]

No Title

Marketing Week

The Sunday Telegraph is to roll out a London poster campaign this Friday to support the launch of its new magazine this Sunday. The 96-sheet and 48-sheet posters will be accompanied by advertisements in the Financial Times, Evening Standard, Radio Times, PrivateEye and The Economist. It is the first brand-based advertising for the Telegraph for […]

JWT splits from 5m Nintendo

Marketing Week

J Walter Thompson has resigned the 5m (Register-MEAL) Nintendo UK advertising account, leaving its new UK owners Total Home Entertainment (THE) urgently seeking an agency. JWT resigned the business last Friday, although THE thought the agency would remain with Nintendo until at least December. Speculation about a possible split surfaced two weeks ago (MW September […]

Old hands at the integration game

Marketing Week

I read with some surprise David Reed’s suggestion in “Integrate expectations” (MW September 8) that using research to develop and monitor sales promotions is a new idea. We’ve been doing it for years at IMP. IMP has a planning department, with five planners in it doing just that. We do groups and in-depth interviews, and […]

Mucking out the copycat brands

Marketing Week

Remember the row between rich brand owners and wealthy retailers accused of producing “copycat” products? It rumbled on for most of 1994 until a ceasefire was agreed. But one member of the British Producers & Brand Owners Group, Gillette, has taken justice into its own hands. In a series of dawn raids, it netted 85,000 […]