Marketing Week

S&N’s Courage merger is something of a reverse takeover. Courage is the one with the huge ad spend and the impressive brands. It is also from Courage ranks that marketing chief John Nicolson has emerged. He must rationalise a sprawling busines

Virgin launches new soft drinks…

Marketing Week

The Virgin Cola Company is to launch direct rivals to PepsiCo’s 7-Up and Britvic’s Tango next month, called Virgin Lips. Virgin is working with its partner Cott Europe to launch orange and lemon-and-lime flavoured carbonated soft drinks under the new brand name. Packaged in fluorescent orange and green cans with the slogan “Can to mouth […]

Times free offer helps rival sales

Marketing Week

The Times/Microsoft give-away promotion may have backfired, according to research by The Daily Telegraph’s ad agency J Walter Thompson. The Times was free from newsagents as part of the launch of Microsoft’s Windows 95 campaign last Thursday. The research involved filming buyers as they went into 20 shops in Manchester and London and selected their […]

Bass gives global brand job to Fitzell

Marketing Week

Bass has appointed its brands director for lagers Leslie Fitzell to a new international role. Fitzell will search out foreign lager brands for UK launch in the specially created post of senior executive for international development. He will report to Bass International Brewers director of international development Brian Ross. Fitzell has spearheaded the UK launches […]

Britvic tries Seventies revival for Corona

Marketing Week

Britvic is resurrecting the design it ditched 20 years ago for its Corona soft drink, hoping parents will buy the brand to revive memories of their childhood. From October, all bottles of Corona will be carrying the “every bubble’s passed its fizzical” slogan which was last seen in the late Seventies. Bottles of the fizzy […]

Still Price boss has lead in his pencil

Marketing Week

Never having watched breakfast TV, the Diary takes a sniffily dismissive view of it and stoutly maintains that it is tawdry, tabloid trash which a man of taste and sensibility should avoid at all costs. So, on glancing at the TV (at a friend’s house, naturally) last Tuesday the Diary was surprised to see Anthony […]

Chiat/Day grabs 2m Observer

Marketing Week

Chiat/Day has scooped the 2m Observer account from a shortlist of agencies, including incumbent Leagas Delaney. The other agencies on the list were Ogilvy & Mather and TBWA. Media planning and buying remains with Pattison Horswell Durden. The Observer has continued to fare poorly against the giant of the Sunday broadsheet market, The Sunday Times, […]

Boom time for the bust man

Marketing Week

What is the link between Woollams Moira Gaskin O’Malley, which went into receivership with debts of 900,000 last week, and the collapsed Bank of Credit & Commerce International, which went bust in 1991 with debts measured in the billions? Both were popular and successful in their own worlds; both had glamour, bright reputations and apparently […]

MS&M to sell airtime in travel slot

Marketing Week

Radio traffic and travel service provider Metro Networks is launching a national advertising package to be sold by Capital Radio-owned radio sales house Media Sales & Marketing. Metro Networks launched earlier this year out of the ashes of Metro Traffic Control, a US-supported operation which collapsed last October. The new company, set up by chairman […]

Microsoft’s star wanes

Marketing Week

For a few billion lines of computer code created by a bunch of pizza-eating nerds, Win95 has attracted an awful lot of publicity. One of the most interesting pieces was the revelation in the trade and national press that Joan Collins would be arriving, in person, to launch the Microsoft product. Alas, true to Microsoft […]