The power of personal services

Marketing Week

Most marketing departments are still built around products and product managers, but there’s a whiff of change in the air. Companies are waking up to the fact that their most important asset is their customer base.

How far can ITV turn the screw

Marketing Week

In Greek mythology, Procrustes was a highway robber with the rather distressing habit of tying his victims to an iron bed. If their limbs were too long, he hacked them off; if too short, he stretched them to fit. In the current version of this fable, advertisers have cast themselves as the innocent wayfarer. Media […]

BBH wins 10m One-2-One task

Marketing Week

Woollams Moira Gaskin O’Malley has suffered another serious setback with the loss of its flagship 10m Mercury One-2-One phone account to Bartle Bogle Hegarty. WMGO has held the account – its largest – since the mobile phone operator launched in September 1993. WMGO reached the final four shortlisted agencies in the recent review, but was […]

…as Coca-Cola scraps top posts

Marketing Week

Coca-Cola GB has axed two directors’ posts in a move to slim down the company’s sprawling marketing structure. The shake-up comes as three marketing executives leave the UK to take up posts in the US. Brands director Steve Moore, who reports to marketing director George Bradt, is returning to the US. It is understood he […]

IPC moves Reeve-Smith as Davidson takes over

Marketing Week

IPC Magazines has replaced Colin Reeve-Smith, managing director of the monthlies division which publishes titles such as Marie Claire and Essentials, with Nigel Davidson, managing director of IPC weeklies. Reeve-Smith, who has been managing director of the IPC SouthBank Group for ten years, will take on an international and business development role. Davidson will remain […]

Cott moots own beer and food range

Marketing Week

The Cott Corporation is considering launching its range of own-label products from food to beer into the UK and Europe. The Canadian company, which rose to prominence as the manufacturer of the syrups for Sainsbury’s Classic Cola and Virgin Cola, has a string of food and other interests in Canada, which it is seeking to […]

Kaye close to sell-out deal with Polygram

Marketing Week

Controversial advertising director Tony Kaye is on the brink of selling Tony Kaye Films to Polygram International, for an undisclosed sum. The move could spell the end of his career in advertising as he concentrates on film work for the US entertainment giant. Kaye won a Gold Lion award at the Cannes International Advertising Festival […]


Marketing Week

AgencyCountryTotal Lowe Howard-SpinkGreat Britain5Saatchi & Saatchi Great Britain48 Bartle Bogle HegartyGreat Britain4Abbott Mead Vickers.

No Title

Marketing Week

Gregor Fisher, the actor who plays Glaswegian dipsomaniac Rab C Nesbitt, is to star in TV ads for Taunton Cider’s Dry Blackthorn to run through July, and again before Christmas. Created by Grey Advertising, the ads form part of Dry Blackthorn’s 3m above-the-line spend.

Durden urges press to fend off TV threat

Marketing Week

Newspapers need a Press Advertising Bureau to fend off the threat from television and show advertisers how to use the medium effectively, the Incorporated Society of British Advertisers’ media conference was told last week. Developments such as direct response TV and infomercials are enabling TV to take on the press in its traditional areas of […]

TV chiefs unite for airtime push

Marketing Week

ITV is fighting back against growing advertiser concern about falling peaktime evening audiences and rising airtime costs. At an ITV Council meeting on Monday, ITV heads “unanimously endorsed” network director Marcus Plantin’s plans for the autumn 1995 schedule, which will be presented to advertisers next week. Although exact details will not be revealed until an […]

Smooth operators

Marketing Week

The telemarketing industry seems to be running fast just to stand still. The medium is growing at such a speed that, according to The Henley Centre, there will be a fivefold increase in call volume by the end of the decade. Can the industry cope with such loads, and what sort of equipment and recruitment […]

No Title

Marketing Week

In spite of growth in numbers of homes with satellite, and more choice of channels, the general trend is going towards less time spent viewing