CIA lobbies to switch Govt ads to BBC

Marketing Week

CIA Medianetwork has recommended that all Government advertising should be moved from ITV to the BBC as part of a move to cut airtime inflation on ITV. CIA says it would cut airtime demand by 1.5 per cent and reduce advertisers’ costs. The company believes the advertising would sit happily within the BBC’s public service […]

What price WPP chief executive?

Marketing Week

The only certain thing to emerge from the imbroglio over Martin Sorrell’s proposed remuneration package is fog. If the package gains shareholder approval next Monday, Sorrell could become very much richer. How much, and over what period of time, is trickier to discern. Figures of between 25m (WPP’s own estimate) and 35m have been bandied […]

CIA lobbies to switch Govt ads to BBC

Marketing Week

CIA Medianetwork has recommended that all Government advertising should be moved from ITV to the BBC as part of a move to cut airtime inflation on ITV. CIA says it would cut airtime demand by 1.5 per cent and reduce advertisers’ costs. The company believes the advertising would sit happily within the BBC’s public service […]

Blockbuster moves into chart music

Marketing Week

Blockbuster, the video and home entertainment retailer, is taking on Woolworths, Virgin and HMV by moving into Top 20 music sales for the first time in the UK. The US entertainments giant, with 800 stores around Britain, has recruited Woolworths’ entertainment trading controller, Charlie McAuley, and given him a seat on the European board as […]

No Title

Marketing Week

UK Charity Lotteries has shortlisted BMP DDB Needham, Bartle Bogle Hegarty and Duckworth Finn Grubb Waters to handle its Lukcy (sic) Lotto scratchcards. The budget is undisclosed. The Royal Bank of Scotland MasterCard is testing a ground-breaking financial TV ad, through Faulds, which draws favourable comparisons between its card and those of other banks. BBJ […]

No Title

Marketing Week

Off, as befits any hard-working hack, to Frank Lowe’s personal tennis tournament at the Queen’s Club – otherwise known as the Stella Artois. Lowe in person keeps a benign eye on the proceedings from the players’ terrace. But, as if the sight of Lowe was not enough, at the centre court you could overhear the […]

Team support

Marketing Week

An increasing number of companies are recognising the value of linking their brands to top sporting events. And as James Luckhurst reports, the association can benefit both parties by injecting funds into the event and raising brand awareness

Hoover faces ‘dirty tricks’ claim

Marketing Week

Hoover Group is being threatened with legal action by British rival Dyson Appliances, for starting a “dirty tricks” camp-aign to win back its declining share in the vacuum cleaner market. Dyson claims that Hoover has distributed a pamphlet which slates its products, criticising product reliability and performance. The pamphlet, headed with Dyson’s strapline, “Say goodbye […]

No Title

Marketing Week

UK Charity Lotteries has shortlisted BMP DDB Needham, Bartle Bogle Hegarty and Duckworth Finn Grubb Waters to handle its Lukcy (sic) Lotto scratchcards. The budget is undisclosed. The Royal Bank of Scotland MasterCard is testing a ground-breaking financial TV ad, through Faulds, which draws favourable comparisons between its card and those of other banks. BBJ […]

No Title

Marketing Week

Off, as befits any hard-working hack, to Frank Lowe’s personal tennis tournament at the Queen’s Club – otherwise known as the Stella Artois. Lowe in person keeps a benign eye on the proceedings from the players’ terrace. But, as if the sight of Lowe was not enough, at the centre court you could overhear the […]