Marketing Week

Sony is about to take on the big computer games boys – Nintendo and Sega – with its PlayStation, fighting for a share of the 2.5bn market. But are the odds in its favour?

Entering the Super league

Marketing Week

Condé Nast claims to have uncovered a new socio-economic group – the Super As – who have plenty of money and, best of all, need very little encouragement to spend it

The Labour pains of advertising

Marketing Week

The advertising industry is fighting for freedom of commercial speech against a rising tide of interventionist pressure. However, attempts to defend itself against charges of being manipulative are counter-productive.

Dalgety rallies its petfood brands

Marketing Week

Dalgety has staked 442m in petfood with its purchase of Quaker’s business. But will it have time to sort out its mixed bag of brands before rival Mars consolidates and Sainsbury’s launches a sub-brand?

GIS in marketing

Marketing Week

Our news round-up gives details of some of the new products to be launched at GIS. AP3 Imaging Services is launching two modules for its Alliance software, which integrates, processes and manages mapping data within a single software product. TYDAC will demonstrate its new desktop geographic analysis package, SPANS Explorer, to the public for the […]