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Marketing Week

Procter & Gamble’s new television advertising campaign for washing detergent brand Daz will feature Danny Baker `morphing’ into Shane Richie, who hosts Lucky Numbers on ITV.

Time to bone up on Heinz brand

Marketing Week

We are surprised at repeated descriptions of the performance of our Weight Watchers from Heinz brand as poor in “New Heinz UK divisions absorb Weight Watchers” (MW April 14). Had you but asked how that division is performing, we could have told you that Weight Watchers from Heinz has, in fact, grown from nothing in […]

Children turn their back on advertising

Marketing Week

Children make their purchasing decisions on the basis of playground opinion and are cynical about advertising, according to two reports published this week. The first report, SMRC’s ChildWise, has devised seven new categories of school child to demonstrate that word-of-mouth influences at school are just as significant as ads. In a survey of 883 seven […]

Seven shops to pitch for ú18m UB business

Marketing Week

United Biscuits has invited three media independents and its four incumbents to make presentations in a fortnight – the first stage of its £18m media centralisation. IDK Media and Carat subsidiaries TMD Carat and BBJ Media Services are understood to be joining incumbents Leo Burnett, Optimedia, MediaCom and John Ayling & Associates on a list […]

Classic Cola seeks new outlets

Marketing Week

Sainsbury’s is understood to be on the verge of striking a deal to sell Classic Cola via hospitals. It is understood this would be the first time Sainsbury’s has taken one of its brands outside its grocery distribution network. The deal would provide the right environment for Sainsbury’s to capitalise on its “caring, family store” […]

Adopting an age-old stance

Marketing Week

Clever marketing plug it may be, but Help the Aged’s adopt a granny campaign falls short in failing to clarify just which type of granny donors will be supporting.

NSPCC to hit cinemas with `shock’ ad

Marketing Week

The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children is launching a shocking cinema campaign to highlight the impact of domestic violence on children. The new work features a simulated model of a foetus in the womb with a soundtrack of a worsening argument between a man and woman. The woman is physically attacked […]

Recognising the individual need

Marketing Week

At the recent IPA Business Weekend in Cambridge, attendees were presented with a brief to work on throughout the weekend. It was a giant among briefs. The aims were clear. The audience was defined. And, unusually for business-to-business advertising, we were told of the attitudes of our target audience – their concerns, their fears, their […]

AA cautions lobbyists on food ad war

Marketing Week

The Advertising Association has issued a warning that it will increase the heat on health pressure groups campaigning for restrictions on food advertising. In its annual review the association’s chairman, Winston Fletcher, claims that advertisers have woken up to the threat of further restrictions. “1994 will be remembered as the year in which food advertisers […]

Video is still playing in the major league

Marketing Week

Torin Douglas’ article “Video vies for ITV viewers” (MW April 14) re-emphasised many of the key issues concerning the multi-channel, home-viewing debate. Blockbuster’s advertising investment of £14m for the video medium this year displays the confidence of a company and an industry that has weathered the bad times and is poised to capitalise on the […]