Mirror pulls out of Channel 5 bid

Marketing Week

The Mirror Group consortium has pulled out of the running for Channel 5 leaving only four consortia with just six days before the deadline for bids. In a brief statement yesterday (Tuesday), Mirror Group confirmed: “The consortium has decided for a variety of reasons not to go forward with the bid for Channel 5.” No […]

Budget Rent a Car finds new director

Marketing Week

Budget Rent a Car has appointed a new marketing director for Europe, the Middle East and Africa as the increasingly competitive car rental market enters a new, cut-throat phase. Paul Johnson replaces Angela St Clare Clark, who left the car rental firm at the end of last year. He was previously director of marketing at […]

It’s all in a good cause!

Marketing Week

In this time of moral crusades against the “cancer of bent and twisted journalism”, when Conservative politicians are taking up the “sword of truth and the shield of British fair play” to protect the world from the ravages of investigation, far be it for the Diary to add to the squalid mire. But what were […]

No Title

Marketing Week

Publicis has been appointed to handle the FF 90m (ú12.5m) privatisation campaign for French steel producer Usinor Sacilor after a final pitch against Australie.

Fair game for Murdoch’s Sky?

Marketing Week

It’s no surprise to find MPs venting their spleen against Rupert Murdoch’s Rugby Super League. Hobbling the media titan is, after all, an evergreen political issue. Besides, some of the concerns being raised by their irate constituents are genuine enough. Local clubs will fall by the wayside if the Murdoch deal goes through. But then […]

MPs unite to fight BSkyB rugby deal

Marketing Week

A cross-party group of MPs were preparing to table an early day motion opposing Rupert Murdoch’s ú75m Rugby Super League deal, as Marketing Week went to press. The MPs, led by Ian McCartney, Labour MP for Makerfield and chairman of the 80-strong parliamentary Rugby League group, are expected to question the legality of the deal […]

LT appoints first head of marketing

Marketing Week

London Transport has appointed its first marketing director as part of the former state-ownedfirm’s continuing restructure. Norman Cohen’s responsibilities will range from advertising and publicity to fares and ticketing. But the creation of the role, at the instigation of chairman Peter Ford, is a significant admission that as the group has been broken up marketing […]

Shell faces libel action as Don’s founder issues writ

Marketing Week

Alfred Donovan, a founder of sales promotion company Don Marketing and the Shell Cor-porate Conscience Pressure Group, has issued a writ against Shell UK claiming damages for libel. This latest twist in the long-running legal wrangle between Don Marketing and Shell comes as the two companies prepare to meet in court over Don’s accusation that […]

A giant leap for the Scots

Marketing Week

Never ones to miss out on a New Year bash, the Scots are planning the Hogmanay to end all Hogmanays for 2000, with a scheme that will take them literally over the moon

Cable’s battle with dish is as much about telephone services as TV shows, but it mustn’t lose sight of the need for first-rate programmes

Marketing Week

The battles between BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and satellite TV are always reported; those between cable and dish less frequently. But, with BSkyB and the cable companies valued at billions of pounds, there’s a lot at stake. And the mighty BT is involved as well. BT is involved because three out of four cable franchises […]

Pouring cold water on our tea tradition

Marketing Week

It’s enough to make Tony Benn splutter into one of his 40-odd daily cuppas. It seems the unthinkable has happened and the British tea drinking habit is under threat from the growing number of iced teas. Snapple proudly reports that sales of its bottled iced teas are buoyant, suggesting that national traditionals such as pot […]

Apple’s global boss quits in rejig

Marketing Week

A marketing shake-up in Apple Computer’s US headquarters has led to the resignation of its worldwide head of marketing. Ian Diery, who spearheaded Apple’s launch of its Power Macintosh flagship range, is leaving “to pursue other interests”. Diery leaves in the wake of a company-wide Apple restructure which includes the creation of a worldwide marketing […]

BSkyB’s digital blitz targets 3m

Marketing Week

British Sky Broadcasting is preparing one of the UK’s most ambitious marketing strategies to date – to persuade 3 million satellite viewers to buy new digital decoders. The broadcaster opens a digital subscriber management centre in Dunfermline, Scotland in September. By then, a marketing team will be in place and the hunt underway for an […]

Pouring cold water on our tea tradition

Marketing Week

It’s enough to make Tony Benn splutter into one of his 40-odd daily cuppas. It seems the unthinkable has happened and the British tea drinking habit is under threat from the growing number of iced teas. Snapple proudly reports that sales of its bottled iced teas are buoyant, suggesting that national traditionals such as pot […]