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Marketing Week

Polygram Filmed Entertainment will launch a ú500,000 national poster campaign on May 8 for the long-awaited video release of Reservoir Dogs on June 14.

Loot backs ITV swap shop series

Marketing Week

ITV has signed up Loot, the free-ads paper, to sponsor The Exchange – a cross between Antiques Roadshow and the Eighties Saturday morning show Swap Shop – which launches across the network on Sunday. As Marketing Week went to press, a meeting was underway to decide whether the exchange service would continue after the series’ […]

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Marketing Week

The Sunday Telegraph and Independent on Sunday benefited most in March’s Saturday/Sunday price promotions, according to the latest ABCs, increasing circulation by 4.9 per cent to 694,673 and 2.5 per cent to 324,302 respectively, month on month… …The Times sold 631,638 – little change on January and February – indicating that growth from its price […]

Temporary truce for Publicis and partner

Marketing Week

Publicis and its US partner True North have called a temporary cease-fire in their bitter fight over the future of their six-year global alliance. The two groups have signed a “standstill agreement” which effectively freezes all the legal and civil actions the two sides have exchanged since January when Publicis unilaterally rescinded the alliance. The […]

Creating a brand new career path

Marketing Week

Your article “Turned on by Category Management” (MW April 7) begs the question whether category management will lead to the death of the classic brand management career path as we know it. As someone who has crossed over from the client to the agency side, I feel that there are many parallels between the organisational […]

WMGO story: clearing up `the facts’

Marketing Week

I returned from holiday to read the various articles (MW March 31 and April 7) about my demise and feel I have to correct some statements and implications about me which are, frankly, downright in accurate. 1) I am, as of today, chief executive of the WMGO group plc. I have not stepped down, resigned, […]

BSkyB enters sports drink arena

Marketing Week

BSkyB is to take on Lucozade and Gatorade with its own isotonic sports drink, Sky Sports Drink. It will be launched on May 1 by soft drinks manufacturer AG Barr. The apple and blackcurrant flavoured canned drink will be distributed nationally through supermarkets, cash & carry and wholesale outlets and via AG Barr’s own direct […]

Chris Evans Radio 1 show `could hurt’ GMTV ratings

Marketing Week

Chris Evans’ move to Radio 1, where he starts his daily breakfast show next Monday (24th), could hit GMTV audiences “particularly hard”. One fifth of GMTV viewers say they are more likely to listen to Radio 1 in the mornings because of Evans, according to CIA Sensor, the fortnightly national survey of 500 adults carried […]

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Marketing Week

Leagas Shafron Davis Ayer is understood to have won the ú2m through-the-line Stag Furniture account, although the agency says it has not yet been informed.

Advertisers pan media inflation

Marketing Week

Advertisers say their budgets are not keeping up with TV inflation and believe ITV’s comedy and sports output is getting worse, according to a report published this week by media consultants Media Audits. The 1995 Advertiser Survey covers 65 advertisers, which together control an annual ad spend of £500m. The report shows that clients are […]

Top trio axed in Hi-Tec cutbacks

Marketing Week

Hi-Tec Sports, the sports shoes manufacturer and distributor, has made three top marketers redundant. All three were recently brought in from tobacco giant Rothmans UK (MW January 6). The company will also make “significant” reductions in the number of lines it produces as a result of growing competition in a tough market. Charles Kirchner, former […]