Turned on by category marketing

Marketing Week

Companies flirting with category management are on the increase – and so is the risk of them fast becoming disillusioned. A great deal of commitment allied to a grasp of retail as well as customer needs is vital for the strategy to work.

No Title

Marketing Week

A ú1m campaign to relaunch Schwarzkopf’s Gliss range of haircare products breaks next week through Kelly Weedon Shute in women’s press and on bus-sides.

Spot the Race

Marketing Week

Here’s the second round clue to our Spot the Race competition, run in association with York Racecourse. For each round you answer correctly, you’ll earn an entry into the draw for top prize – a private box and admissions for 12 people at York’s October Race meeting, plus £240 of free Tote bets and a […]

CPL to work on Cosmo brand drive

Marketing Week

Cosmopolitan, The National Magazine Company’s flagship women’s monthly, has appointed licensing specialist Copyright Promotions (CPL) to develop brand licensing and merchandising in the UK. Confirmation of the deal emerged on the eve of this week’s World Licensing Expo in London. The brief is to develop Cosmo-branded products to exploit “the bond of trust between publisher […]

Malaysia Airlines reviews its account out of Bates

Marketing Week

Malaysia Airlines has given Bates Worldwide notice on its international advertising account. Bates, which runs the business out of Malaysia, will have its contract terminated at the end of July. Bates Worldwide board account director Patrick Hanson-Lowe says the review is part of a wide-reaching upheaval at the airline group which changed ownership last year. […]


Marketing Week

To advertising agencies trying to win a piece of its lucrative business, the European Commission is a monolithic institution wrapped up in red tape, more concerned with price than quality of work. And unlike conventional clients, which can dra

Eurotunnel fails to see the light

Marketing Week

To lose one senior marketing executive might be regarded as a misfortune. To lose three within a matter of weeks is surely carelessness. Or, in the case of Eurotunnel, par for the course. For it is a company dogged by ill-fortune – and it seems that many of its recent troubles may be laid at […]

Sony puts data into the frame

Marketing Week

Faced with a mountain of paper reports from its parent company’s mainframe, Sony’s broadcast arm set up its own database linked directly into the system, giving daily reports. By Jane Dudman

NI heads Euro profit rankings

Marketing Week

News International is Europe’s most profitable media company, according to the latest edition of Media Map Monitor, the annual report which ranks Europe’s largest media players by turnover. Europe’s largest media company remains German giant Bertelsmann (latest media-only turnover $8.69bn, or ú5.72bn) while ARD, Havas, Fininvest and Reed Elsevier retain their top five positions from […]

No Title

Marketing Week

UCI Cinema marketing director Guy Laurence has left the company to join Metro Goldwyn-Meyer as executive vice president of international distribution and marketing at MGA/UA Distribution. United Distillers has appointed Gerd Biedenbacher as managing director of its UK operation in Perth, Scotland. He succeeds Graham Thompson, who has been appointed commercial development director for Europe […]

The Prince’s Trust strikes retailer deal

Marketing Week

Prince Charles’ personal charity The Prince’s Trust is preparing joint marketing deals with clothes manufacturers, banks and fast-food outlets. The Prince’s charity has entered an agreement with Sleepy Kids – a company specialising in merchandise and children’s animation. The deal, backed by the Prince, comes one week after the launch of the Duchy soft drinks […]

The US advertising cure-all

Marketing Week

A wealth of material from the US promises to cure your ills – for ú99 or just a bit more. If its claims are true, you need never suffer mental or physical anguish again

JWT and Laser in Kellogg clash

Marketing Week

J Walter Thompson and ITV sales house Laser Sales are in serious dispute over a 1995 airtime deal for Kellogg on Yorkshire Tyne Tees and Granada Television. Laser has handled airtime sales for LWT, YTTV, Granada and Border since last September. The agency is under pressure to complete the deal as the Granada region is […]