SMI puts Atlas GIS on Windows 3.0 software

Marketing Week

Strategic Mapping (SMI) has launched Atlas GIS for Windows 3.0, a new version of its desktop mapping software targeted at mainstream bus-iness users. The software aids those who want to plan and view the effects of promotional activities region by region. The new software comes with European data – including country, region and county boundaries; […]

Kodak seeks agency for global drive

Marketing Week

Eastman Kodak has confirmed it is talking to a number of agencies about a new worldwide corporate brand advertising campaign aimed at making more use of the Kodak name. Chief executive George Fisher revealed a rough video of the proposed campaign at the launch of Kodak’s digital cameras. The video – “the picture is changing” […]

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Marketing Week

In Focus UK has launched the LitePro 580 LCD projector, which it claims is the smallest of its kind to offer true data/video. It can display photo-realistic colour images and In Focus says its is ideal for business presentations. Electrohome Europe has also launched an LCD projector, called ShowStar. The product is a single-lens, high-brightness […]

Unravelling the DG red tape

Marketing Week

The confusion for agencies seeking European Commission work is compounded by the plethora of Directorate Generals which make the decisions. Composed of civil servants from around the European Union, but based in Brussels, the 23 DGs cover everything from agriculture to audio-visual policy, energy to transport. Because of internal political sensitivities agencies have to make […]

BhS’s Sylvester ads on target

Marketing Week

I know it was quiet last week, but you really should not adopt “tabloid tactics” to drum up stories where none exist. I refer to your story about BhS dropping ad star Sylvester “BhS review signals end for ad star” (MW March 31). First, BhS is not reviewing Sylvester – we are. This is an […]

Camelot `welcomes’ outside games bids

Marketing Week

National Lottery operator Camelot will allow outside companies to bid to run new lottery games, says marketing director Jon Kinsey. Under the terms of the National Lottery set by the Government, regulator Oflot can grant a licence to a new operator to run a game in co-operation with Camelot. It had been assumed that such […]

Burger King marketing chief quits

Marketing Week

Burger King head of UK marketing Pat Griffin has left the fast-food giant, as it limbers up for a major advertising assault on rival McDonald’s. Griffin, who also handled marketing for Spain, is leaving to join a marketing consultancy. No reason was given for her departure. The company is starting to look for a replacement. […]

BDDH lands ú9m Emirates work

Marketing Week

Butterfield Day Devito Hockney has picked up the Emirates airline worldwide advertising account, worth a claimed ú9m, after a final battle against Mellors Reay & Partners. The Dubai airline ap-proached six shops before Christmas last year (MW January 27). TBWA, Leagas Delaney, Simons Palmer Denton Clemmow & Johnson and D’Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles were […]

Saab duo exit after strategy row

Marketing Week

Saab GB has parted company with its two most senior marketing executives following criticism of its Swedish parent’s marketing strategy (MW March 10). General marketing manager Geoff Acton and advertising manager Debi Wadsted left the company at the end of last week. The two are the architects of Saab GB’s present ú4m ad campaign – […]

Jeyes hands KMM ú3m project brief

Marketing Week

Kevin Morley Marketing has been appointed to handle a “special communications project”, believed to be worth ú3m, for household cleaning firm Jeyes UK, which owns brands Jeyes Fluid, Sanilav and Wet Ones. Jeyes’ advertising account was with TBWA but has been dormant for two years. KMM’s appointment follows a top reorganisation at Jeyes, and the […]

Getting the mileage right

Marketing Week

Your recent supplement on customer loyalty carried a somewhat odd “Comment” section by WWAV Rapp Collins client services director Steve Grout (MW March 24). It opened with: “Air Miles was initially conceived to emphasise the difference between an airline carrier and its competitors.” As the only programme called Air Miles was conceived for an entirely […]

Whitbread chief joins Beefeater

Marketing Week

Former Pizza Hut marketing director Ann Elliott is to join Beefeater Restaurant & Pub in the same role, replacing Mike Tye who is moving to Welcome Break. Elliott joins the 280-strong, Whitbread-owned chain on May 1, leaving the post of field operations director for Whitbread Pub Partnership in the North. She was Pizza Hut marketing […]

Launch of UK cyber bars heralds new Internet era

Marketing Week

Travellers on the information superhighway will soon be surfing under the influence of alcohol with the launch of Internet- linked bars and pubs. The UK’s first cyber pub, the “Six Bells”, opens next week in Cambridge and is a joint venture between Greene King and Internet provider CityScape. Plans for further Internet pubs are being […]

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Marketing Week

Reaction UK, owner of the product sampling vehicle Student Welcome Pack, is taking legal action against the National Union of Student Services for malicious falsehood following claims surrounding the launch of its rival sampling pack (MW March 17). Allied Domecq Retailing has appointed John Cavey, former vice-president of operations for Baskin-Robbins and Dunkin Donuts, as […]