The cereal view of a split nation

Marketing Week

For an alternative view on how the North/South divide developed, the Diary is indebted to Mike Newman, circulation director at Mail Newspapers. Newman offers the latest in the urban myths of marketing, following on from Persil and the outbreak of World War Two (MW March 10). According to Newman it is said that you can […]

A beerage made in heaven?

Marketing Week

Having survived a hostile takeover bid seven years ago, Scottish & Newcastle’s longer term view of the industry is now literally paying dividends. By George Pitcher

Hagen-Dazs brand head leaves

Marketing Week

Hagen-Dazs’ marketing chief Nicola Chilton, responsible for the day-to-day running of the premium ice cream brand in the UK, has left the company. Chilton is understood to have left of her own accord and is not thought to have plans to join another company. Her departure comes only months after brand owner Grand Metropolitan earmarked […]

A shortage of newsprint is the last thing that News International needs in the middle of a price war, but the crisis is not confined to Wapping

Marketing Week

Rupert Murdoch flies into Britain this week to review the newsprint crisis at News International. The worldwide shortage of the newspaper industry’s raw material has hit Murdoch’s empire hardest and print runs have been slashed. Today’s run has been cut by five per cent, or 30,000 copies, while flagship tabloid The Sun has shaved 120,000 […]

Saatchi court battle set for June

Marketing Week

The date for the court battle between the old and new Saatchi has been set for June 12. The court case pits Maurice Saatchi, David Kershaw, Jeremy Sinclair and Bill Muirhead against their former employer, now called Cordiant, following their exit from the company in January. But some insiders have suggested the case may never […]

Broadcast views

Marketing Week

TV and commercial radio sponsorship has witnessed huge growth and the future looks bright, but unrealised opportunities abound. Michael Barrett reports

Iceland puts frozen food back on line

Marketing Week

Food retailer Iceland has confirmed it is returning to its roots as a frozen food retailer after years spent building its fresh and ambient food range (MW last week). The repositioning includes the launch of 250 frozen food products this year and a ú10m order for upright freezers. Iceland will also appoint a new marketing […]

Shelter knocks at fmcg doors for sponsorship

Marketing Week

Shelter, the charity for the homeless, is seeking sponsorship from fmcg manufacturers and has created a dedicated business unit to develop a strategy to triple its income. “We were without a strategy. We have never gone to marketing managers with ideas for their brands but that’s the direction we are going. We have to run […]

Interbrand boss to take DAS role

Marketing Week

Interbrand chief executive Michael Birkin is to replace Peter Jones as head of Omnicom’s Diversified Agency Services (DAS) in Europe. Jones will remain as president of DAS – the fastest-growing part of the Omnicom empire – but devote more of his attention to the US. Birkin becomes European director at the end of April. The […]


Marketing Week

Tesco’s recent successes have put Sainsbury’s on the defensive. Ivor Hunt, Sainsbury’s marketing chief, is the man charged with freshening the image of a firm accused of resting on its laurels.


Marketing Week

Playing a major role in loyalty schemes and looking like coffee table glossies, customer magazines no longer extoll the virtues of goods no-one wants, but give consumers information relevant to their lifestyle.


Marketing Week

The airlines have always been one step ahead with rewards for frequent flyers, but the different schemes on offer can be confusing, once you get down to the small print. What exactly do travellers gain?

No Title

Marketing Week

John Turturro as Maurice, Robert DeNiro as Charles and Stephen Fry as Charlie Scott – the Saatchi & Saatchi saga has hit Hollywood. So Diary thought it right and proper to think up some casting suggestions for the UK end of the story. Former London chairman David Kershaw could be played by Bob “it’s good […]