MPAM wins ú2m Healthy Options brief

Marketing Week

Mitchell Patterson Aldred Mitchell has won a place on the Unilever agency roster for the ú2.5m account for Birds Eye Wall’s Healthy Options in the UK. The account was previously held by Unilever’s roster agency Ogilvy & Mather. The appointment of MPAM to Healthy Options marks a shift from Unilever’s use of large network agencies, […]


Marketing Week

American Express has used the detailed information on its customer database to concentrate on its existing customers. Through its Membership Rewards scheme loyalty rewards are being tailored to customers’ individual needs.

Iceland calls in consultant for new focus

Marketing Week

Iceland frozen food stores has appointed a management consultant to take on the new role of director for trading strategy and marketing, amid fears that the chain’s strategic direction is floundering. Mark Hudson joins in May from Bain & Co, the consultancy which has advised Iceland on its direction during the past year. Analysts say […]

Job not to most people’s taste

Marketing Week

Petfood advertising executives tasting the product (Diary, MW March 10) – apocryphal? Never. As part of the new product development consultancy team working with NestléPetfoods in the late Eighties, I used to regularly chow down with the rest of the assembled cast of Nestlé Lintas, JWT and New Solutions on the latest offering from the […]

He’s rather too bold for one so `old’

Marketing Week

Since seeing Adrian Holmes dressed in tweeds when only in his twenties, I always had a sneaking suspicion that he was getting old before his time. This was confirmed when I read Marketing Week, “LH-S chief raps `yobbish’ ad rise” (MW March 17). His latest lambasting of the Harley-Davidson advertising created by BDDH could only […]

Does advertising stir bad attitude?

Marketing Week

A spate of shock ads has opened a debate on whether advertising influences society or shapes it. Many in the industry believe they are simply reflecting social change and a clampdown would lead to `sanitised’ ads.

Soaps alone do not sell powder

Marketing Week

Virginia Matthews complains about the appearance of identifiable branded products in EastEnders and other BBC entertainment programmes in “Get rid of the silly pluggers” (MW March 10). She suggests that their use results from arrangements with manufacturers to provide advertising through the back-door. I would like to assure Matthews that product placement – the inclusion […]

Thorn EMI arm seeks shop to drive its UK expansion

Marketing Week

The Thorn EMI “rent-to-buy” retail chain Crazy George’s is seeking an agency to handle its entry into the UK market. At present, it has just six stores in the UK but it is opening two more next month and hopes to have a further 20 within the next 12 months. Its first-year budget is described […]


Marketing Week

Previously seen as a numbers game or as a quick-fix solution to various problems, loyalty schemes have come of age in the UK. The new card-based schemes have emphasised segmenting the all-important database to get an accurate picture of the cu

MoD seeks sponsors for VE Day

Marketing Week

The Ministry of Defence is seeking sponsors for its joint VE and VJ Day jamboree celebrations in Hyde Park in May. The Government department has hired the First Artist Corporation to handle the sale of the licensing and sponsorship packages and has opened negotiations with a string of high-profile brand owners. A final list of […]

Sears rejigs its top BSC chiefs

Marketing Week

Sears is reorganising senior anagement at the giant 1,750-outlet British Shoe Corporation (BSC) and handing the day-to-day running of its eight shoe chains to top directors. The management changes form part of a move by Sears chief executive Liam Strong to introduce brand management into the 22-fascia retail giant. BSC marketing director David Rist becomes […]


Marketing Week

According to recent research, the `new’, specialist satellite channels are attracting highly definable, hence highly targetable, niche audiences

Pepsi forced to change TV ads

Marketing Week

PepsiCo has been forced to alter one of its ads to comply with TV watchdogs but is still fighting to air ads that ridicule rival Coke. The soft drinks maker has had to bow to the Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre and change the Pepsi ads which start in the UK this week. The company had […]

Lego in deal to sponsor kids’ TV show

Marketing Week

Lego Toys will be the first sponsor of a pre-school television programme following a deal between Carlton UK Sales and CIA Medianetwork in which the Duplo brand will sponsor Tots TV. The Independent Television Commission says it will be monitoring the 15-week sponsorship. “The status of the sponsor’s relationship with the programme may be hard […]