First national ads for Church

Marketing Week

To prove that Easter means more than chocolate eggs, hot cross buns and bunny rabbits, the Church of England is launching its first national advertising campaign. Roadside hoardings, bus stops and church noticeboards, as well as radio ads, will be used for a campaign, which breaks in April and focuses on the Resurrection. The posters […]

No Title

Marketing Week

Manchester United footballer Ryan Giggs joins the Quorn Hall of Fame on April 1 when his new commercial for the Marlow Foods meat replacement, breaks on Channel 4’s The Big Breakfast. `Giggsy’ is seen enjoying a wholesome post-game snack in this new commercial, part of Abbott Mead Vickers.BBDO’s £1.1m campaign. Research proves he has credibility […]

TV’s gamble at Monte Carlo

Marketing Week

Can it really be just two years ago – at TV93 – that ITV Network Centre chief executive Andrew Quinn announced the appointment of Dick Emery as director of market strategy? His arrival coincided with details of a new sales committee structure. Advertisers were promised new systems to evaluate its performance more effectively and prove […]

Box clever

Marketing Week

Reports of the death of the 30-second spot ad may be greatly exaggerated. However, interactive technology and new media look likely to give a new role to an old tool.

Plantin to replace Quinn as head of ITV network 7

Marketing Week

Marcus Plantin, ITV Network director responsible for network scheduling for the past two years, is to take over from Andrew Quinn as Network Centre chief executive. News of the move emerged yesterday (Tuesday) as ITV Network Centre celebrated its first full calendar year in operation with a presentation and publication of its annual review for […]

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Marketing Week

There have long been stories about petfood makers eating the product to make sure it’s up to scratch, and even apocryphal tales of ad executives having to try it to prove they too are up to the task. But Mattel has taken company loyalty too far. The firm can’t seem to recognise the difference between […]

BTA and Allam set up venture

Marketing Week

Poster companies British Transport Advertising and the Allam Group have formed a joint venture sales house to sell all their roadside stock. The move has precipitated speculation of an eventual takeover of Allam by BTA. The new sales house, National Advantage, which will employ ten sales staff from both companies, will become the fourth largest […]

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Marketing Week

Procter & Gamble has signed a three-year deal with Paramount Television in the US to develop and co-fund network and syndicated TV programming.

No Title

Marketing Week

D’Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles Deutschland chairman and chief executive officer Rolf Harm has left the company. It is understood that Harm has no clear plans for the future.

PepsiCo hires marketing chief for Western Europe

Marketing Week

PepsiCo has appointed a new marketing director to handle its brands across Western Europe. The soft drinks giant has hired Yann Tardiff, the former European marketing director at Timberland. His appointment is expected to be announced this week. Tardiff’s arrival throws the future of Pepsi’s Charlotte Pinder into question. Pinder is the European marketing director […]

Bargain placements

Marketing Week

The regional press and local radio have a common enemy – creativity. Restraints of time and money make effectiveness the name of the game.

Hewlett to put its shirt on Spurs

Marketing Week

Tottenham Hotspur is understood to have signed a deal with computer company Hewlett-Packard to replace Holsten as club sponsor at the end of the season (MW last week). Hewlett-Packard is part-sponsor of Reading Football Club, and sponsors other sports events such as the Benetton Formula One team and the Pacific Grand Prix. The company would […]

The powder struggle that started a war

Marketing Week

As if being accused of shredding shirts and turning boxer shorts into hoola skirts was not enough, Persil is now being accused of helping to cause the Second World War. According to a new urban myth, Persil was included in the Versailles Treaty in 1919. As part of the ill-fated peace settlement, German chemical manufacturer […]