Life in Mars: Some facts

Marketing Week

* Frank Mars launched chocolate and nougat bar, Milky Way in the US in 1923. He gave his son Forrest Snr $50,000 and the foreign rights to market the brand, which was launched in the UK and renamed the Mars bar. It was produced at a factory in Slough from August 1932. A different product, […]

Holsten ends Tottenham sponsorships

Marketing Week

Holsten Distributors is axing its 12-year sponsorship of Tottenham Hotspurs football club at the end of the season, and could pull out of sponsorship altogether. The last deal the two companies signed nearly three years ago was worth ú1.9m over three years. Tottenham is expected to announce a replacement sponsor within the next few weeks. […]

No Title

Marketing Week

Leagas Shafron Davis Ayer rolls out its first `original’ work for the Volkswagen-owned Seat this weekend. The agency secured the ú5m account last year after an extended pitch for the total pan-European business was won by Ayer Europe. The new campaign is designed to highlight Seat’s value-for-money image via an interplay between two characters: one, […]

Golden Wonder posters banned

Marketing Week

Golden Wonder has been ordered to remove illegal flyposters for its Bandido tortilla crisp brand. The snack food giant launched a flyposting campaign through Tequila UK this year. It was intended to give its Bandidos snacks an underground, streetwise image. But Golden Wonder has now been ordered to remove some posters because they are being […]

More O’Ferrall moves against Oscar II

Marketing Week

Poster specialist More O’Ferrall is gearing up for a fight with the Joint Industry Council on Poster Audience Research (JICPAR) over the introduction of Oscar II – the industry’s new research and planning system. MOF is understood to want the geodemographic part of the system scrapped because it does not believe that models of local […]

Bud forces Courage out of BMP

Marketing Week

Courage, Britain’s second biggest brewer, is set to split from long-standing roster agency BMP DDB Needham, which could mean the end of the TV advertisements starring comedian Jack Dee and the dancing penguins. The move follows a client conflict with US brewer Anheuser-Busch, which hired BMP’s parent to handle its account last November (MW November […]

Force field

Marketing Week

When slump-hit companies found themselves forced to lay off sales staff, they found a friend in field marketing. Though perceived as less sexy than other disciplines, it does appear to have discovered the magic formula for riding recessions an

Teenagers lose respect for the State

Marketing Week

The vast majority of teenagers are apathetic about the monarchy, religion and politics, according to new research from Carrick James. A survey of today’s teenage tastes shows the Royal family scoring a 92 per cent “not very/not at all interested”rating among 15 to19-year-olds. Politics did little better, registering 57 per cent on the “not-at-all interested” […]

A defence of Consumers’ passions

Marketing Week

May I counter a number of unwarranted jibes in Tom O’Sullivan’s otherwise scrupulously fair portrait of the Consumers’ Association (“Shopper’s friend counters enemies”, MW February 10). John Murphy of Interbrand must choose a new set of adjectives if he is to criticise us more effectively. Self-appointed? The Consumers’ Association? We have more than 800,000 members. […]

If Conrad Black turns to Wall Street to finance his shares buy-back, it’s not because the City of London no longer loves him, says George Pitcher

Marketing Week

Newspapers have been in the business of making the news this year. So it was little surprise last week that The Daily Telegraph overshadowed its financial results with news that proprietor Conrad Black intends to buy back the 42 per cent of the company that trades on the London stock market. Some old City bores […]

Time for Mars to return to earth

Marketing Week

A cross-country skier may have survived with the aid of a Mars bar, but the firm will need something more to prosper – modern marketing strategies and better product development, for a start. By Marketing Week reporters