Colgate ad may face ASA action

Marketing Week

Colgate could face action from the Advertising Standards Authority for a knocking campaign against rival mouthwash product Listerine. Colgate’s new Plax mouthwash 96-sheet campaign, launched last Friday through Young & Rubicam, promotes its accreditation from the British Dental Association and ridicules Listerine’s TV ads. Listerine, it says, is recommended not by the BDA but “a […]

No Title

Marketing Week

WCRS has lost two of its top creatives, copywriter Robin Weeks and art director Robin Smith, the duo that invented the Sega pirate TV campaign. Both resigned on Friday, and are understood to be joining Leo Burnett. Emirates, the Dubai airline, has shortlisted TBWA, Butterfield Day Devito Hockney, D’Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles, Leagas Delaney, […]

Teenagers lose respect for the State

Marketing Week

The vast majority of teenagers are apathetic about the monarchy, religion and politics, according to new research from Carrick James. A survey of today’s teenage tastes shows the Royal family scoring a 92 per cent “not very/not at all interested”rating among 15 to19-year-olds. Politics did little better, registering 57 per cent on the “not-at-all interested” […]

Esprit to run underground sponsorship

Marketing Week

Esprit Sponsorship was this week appointed sponsorship agent for London Underground (LU). “We’re looking at anything from name association to full sponsorship of the entire LU system,” says Esprit account director Marcus Wight. However, care will need to be taken to avoid unnecessary duplication with the activities of LTA Advertising, which handles advertising sales for […]

A defence of Consumers’ passions

Marketing Week

May I counter a number of unwarranted jibes in Tom O’Sullivan’s otherwise scrupulously fair portrait of the Consumers’ Association (“Shopper’s friend counters enemies”, MW February 10). John Murphy of Interbrand must choose a new set of adjectives if he is to criticise us more effectively. Self-appointed? The Consumers’ Association? We have more than 800,000 members. […]

If Conrad Black turns to Wall Street to finance his shares buy-back, it’s not because the City of London no longer loves him, says George Pitcher

Marketing Week

Newspapers have been in the business of making the news this year. So it was little surprise last week that The Daily Telegraph overshadowed its financial results with news that proprietor Conrad Black intends to buy back the 42 per cent of the company that trades on the London stock market. Some old City bores […]

Time for Mars to return to earth

Marketing Week

A cross-country skier may have survived with the aid of a Mars bar, but the firm will need something more to prosper – modern marketing strategies and better product development, for a start. By Marketing Week reporters

WH Smith retains BBH and lures Sloan

Marketing Week

WH Smith has confirmed it has reappointed Bartle Bogle Hegarty, as predicted in Marketing Week (February 10). However, in a bizarre twist, the retail chain has also appointed former Woolworths marketing director Don Sloan head of brand marketing, two weeks after his secret agency won London radio station Viva! 963 AM’s creative account (MW February […]

Bates reeling after Mars loss

Marketing Week

Bates Worldwide is finalising plans for redundancies and beginning a new-business assault in an effort to deal with the loss of more than $300m (£200m) of Mars business. Mars shifted $350m of confectionery and petfood accounts out of Saatchi & Saatchi last week following a review triggered by the ousting of Maurice Saatchi. Bates is […]

BACC brings ad guidelines up to date

Marketing Week

The Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre (BACC) launches new guidelines this week, bringing its advice to advertisers and agencies up to date. An 80-page Notes of Guidance document includes an easing of the previous ban on promotions involving alcohol, a section covering the portrayal of the elderly in advertising, and clarification on the portrayal of children […]

Unfair Capital punishment?

Marketing Week

I read the article “Barclaycard Netlink fights Internet hackers” (MW February 3) with disbelief. There is no fear of hackers or anyone else gaining access to confidential data of any kind through Netlink because we have not put any confidential data on the system. Customer accounts, the area of biggest concern to us, are on […]

Searching for an item that will boost your sales? Well, look no further than this country, because import regulations and increased demands for innovation are making the Far East less of a viable opti

Marketing Week

To the child with a dinosaur in his pocket or a Monster Munch decoration on her bike, the country of origin of a premium is of little interest. But to the marketer relying on that item to boost sales, and to the suppliers responsible for sourcing it, locating reliable, competitively-priced items is a daily concern. […]