A common problem for TV

Marketing Week

If the middle classes are offended by the `vulgarity’ of popular television, then it is in part because the medium tries to reflect the aspirations of the common man.


Marketing Week

Dutch agencies did extremely well in the 1994 Epica awards, with campaigns that featured footballers bursting out of murals and sharks swimming through tarmac. The UK, which scored well last year with 22 winners, put in a poor show – technical

BT promotes ú80m CCU ad manager

Marketing Week

BT Ice (information, communications and entertainment) has appointed Tim Patten, manager of advertising at BT’s customer communications unit, to run its advertising department. Patten, a key figure in BT’s advertising strategy over the past 18 months, becomes advertising manager for the BT Ice Programme. He will be replaced at BT CCU, which has an estimated […]

Mirror threat to sue ITV over ads

Marketing Week

Mirror Group is threatening legal action against ITV following its decision to ban commercials advertising a Daily Mirror promotion linked to the BBC1 series Big Break. ITV sales chiefs claim the ads, which featured Big Break presenter Jim Davidson, directly encourage viewers to turn on to BBC1 so they participate in the game card promotion. […]

OTC’s voyage of self exploration

Marketing Week

With the big pharmaceutical companies planning to launch, among other things, over-the-counter home contraceptive and HIV test kits, it looks as though 1995 could be the year for self-diagnosis.

Carlsberg-Tetley rejigs marketing

Marketing Week

Carlsberg-Tetley has promoted the acting marketing director of Take Home Sales, Clive Briscoe, to marketing controller. Briscoe joined the company in 1993 as trade marketing manager. Two new sales directors have also been appointed. Richard Boyles joins the company as sales director for retail. Stan Middleton moves across from retail, where he was acting sales […]

Keeble quits Leo Burnett

Marketing Week

Giles Keeble, creative partner at Leo Burnett, has left the agency after months of speculation about his future. Keeble’s role at the agency has been in doubt since June last year when his job title and day-to-day duties were taken on by Gerard Stamp. Keeble, who had been executive creative director for six years, was […]

Sainsbury’s DIY growth solution

Marketing Week

The chronically depressed (and increasingly puzzling) state of the UK housing market has much to answer for. Most topically, the listless condition of Texas Homecare. Of course, there has been talk of overcapacity and the need to shed one or two major players in the DIY sector for some time now – Do It All […]

Losses trigger review at Comet

Marketing Week

Kingfisher has called in management consultancy McKinsey to review strategy at the Comet electrical chain, according to one source close to the company. It is believed the buying and marketing functions will face particularly close scrutiny. Kingfisher published a trading statement last week which showed sales at Comet had plummeted 10.6 per cent in the […]

FCB swipes Kleenex task

Marketing Week

The ú6m Kimberly-Clark Kleenex account has gone to Foote Cone & Belding and will possibly take Robert Hamer, former director of its previous incumbent agency Reay Keating Hamer, with it.

A religion that’s hard to swallow

Marketing Week

The cola mega-brands may be spending billions on star endorsement to win market share, but are consumers – and marketers – disillusioned with soaking up the costs of image ads and becoming converts to a philosophy of quality without brand tax?

Holiday price cuts provoke complaints

Marketing Week

The cut-throat, cut-price war in the package holiday sector has escalated, with complaints being made to the Advertising Standards Authority, the Independent Television Commission and trading standards officers around the UK. Lunn Poly was reported to the ASA by Dennis Hart of Edinburgh travel agent Sibbald Travel. According to Hart, early advertising for Lunn Poly […]