Signet reviews its advertising

Marketing Week

Jewellery group Signet, formerly Ratners, is reviewing its advertising in the wake of lacklustre Christmas sales. Marketing director Dianne Thompson, who joined the company last year from Woolworths, has spoken to a number of agencies and is drawing up a shortlist. However, the company would not indicate which agencies are on the list or the […]

Ex-Dillons chief walks out at Pentos

Marketing Week

The former marketing director of Dillons, Julian Rivers, has resigned from parent company Pentos, where he was due to take up the position of commercial development director. Rivers was replaced as Dillons’ marketing director last year by Stephen Dunn, poached from Thornton’s, the chocolate manufacturer and retailer. Rivers was offered the development role at the […]


Marketing Week

In the lean Nineties, the emphasis of corporate entertainment is shifting. The traditional boundaries between corporate hospitality and sales incentives are coming down, to form hybrid entertainment packages. These changes could spell lots mor

Bubble bursts for Persil Power

Marketing Week

Now that Lever is to launch a “competitor” to Persil Power, in New Generation Persil, it will be a matter of time before the brand is killed off altogether. The decision to announce the launch of New Generation Persil last week was made to coincide with the launch of rival Ariel Future, Procter & Gamble’s […]


Marketing Week

The BSkyB flotation needs some objective research following the end of the City’s blackout. The Saatchi crisis, meanwhile, has created a beneficiary

BrandTrack: High street choc tactics

Marketing Week

This month, BrandTrack looks at the purchase of chocolate-covered countlines. In a sector where the impulse purchase reigns supreme, old favourites Snickers and Kit Kat were forced to fight hard to beat off aspirant Time Out

Maurice Saatchi issues writ against plc

Marketing Week

Maurice Saatchi has fuelled the legal battle with his former employers by issuing a writ alleging breach of contract. The former Saatchi & Saatchi chairman alleges that the plc “unlawfully terminated” his service contract on or about December 16 and misrepresented itself when the service contract was negotiated in June 1994. It is his response […]

No Title

Marketing Week

Shelter, the charity for the homeless, has appointed J Walter Thompson to provide strategic advice and create a new advertising campaign. Sharp Electronics UK has retained Poulter as the sole agency on its £3m advertising account after seeing pitches from McCann-Erickson Manchester and J Walter Thompson Manchester. BT is reviewing its £20m below-the-line roster, which […]

The European starts big push for Elan revamp

Marketing Week

The European will launch a series of heavy promotions around the revamp of its lifestyle Elan section as a glossy magazine at the start of February. Promotion will include poster and radio advertising, supported by an extensive point-of-sale campaign. It is the culmination of investment by the paper’s owners, the Barclay brothers, aiming to revive […]

Independent and LTA link for arts drive

Marketing Week

The Independent and London Transport Advertising have signed up as media partners in a major promotional campaign for the Institute of Contemporary Arts, which breaks on Friday. It is the latest in a series of aggressive reader promotions run by The Independent, which this week received confirmation of a fall in sales last month – […]

No Title

Marketing Week

Mr Cadbury’s Parrot is to be unleashed yet again on the air-waves on January 23. The parrot, created by GGT, warns people to get to the Cadbury’s Mini Eggs `before the parrot does’. TEXT:

Government overturns baby milk ban proposal

Marketing Week

A proposed ban on the advertising of manufactured baby milk has been abandoned by the Government. Regulations which were laid before Parliament this week allows the existing code of practice on advertising to continue. The new Infant Formula and Follow-on Formula Reg-ulations will allow the manufacturers of baby milk to continue advertising in baby care […]