Haircare straight from the horse’s coat

Marketing Week

A US haircare range, which was originally developed for horses, is being prepared for a UK launch targeted at humans. Mane `n Tail shampoo and styling products will launch on the QVC satellite shopping channel by the end of January. Within four months, supermarkets and chemists are expected to stock the range, which includes a […]

Out of this World shopping

Marketing Week

For the shopper tired of consumerism, an alternative way to share in the experience has come to light – buying into the shopping business. By Virginia Matthews Despite the annual spectacle of shopaholics queuing their lives away for the standard January sale “bargains” of remaindered china and discontinued TV sets, serious moves are afoot to […]

Safeway set to wield the axe on jobs

Marketing Week

Safeway is poised to announce wide-ranging job cuts, with the axe falling most heavily on head office. Shopworkers’ union USDAW is scheduled to meet Safeway personnel director Will Jackson at the end of this month to discuss the job reductions. The union understands that Jackson will have a set of proposals for job cuts, and […]

Press renews pressure over ownership

Marketing Week

Newspaper groups are renewing their pressure on the Government in a bid to relax barriers to greater press ownership of TV interests. Members of the British Media Interests Group meet on January 17 to finalise a second report to be presented to National Heritage Secretary Stephen Dorrell later this month. The report will address the […]

London WC1Camelot: Here is the good news

Marketing Week

I was reported in last week’s publication in saying that Camelot was not achieving its target. Can I clarify this – we are not privy to Camelot’s targets for how their business will build up in the early months. It is aiming to achieve a revenue of ú32bn over the seven-year life of their contract […]

Brattish behaviour hits sour note

Marketing Week

Some of us just can’t say certain words. “Sorry”; “I was wrong”; “It’s my round”; or, if you’re John Major, “I resign”. It appears to be no different in the music press, where the Melody Maker bogey-word is NME. New Musical Express runs Alternative music’s “alternative” to the luvvy Brit Awards, called the Brat Awards. […]

SurreyStirring statistics on Knorr soup

Marketing Week

We should like to register a couple of thoughts regarding your Brandtrack article on the canned and packet soup market (MW December 16). Your data suggests that spontaneous awareness of advertising for Knorr in October was relatively low compared with the competition – perhaps not surprising as Knorr soup advertising was not on air until […]

The powerful role of price promotion

Marketing Week

Your article “Vying for Promotion” (MW last week) paints a grim picture of in-store price promotions, likening them to the plague and the nuclear arms race! Price promotion is a form of mass sales promotion, which rewards all and sundry regardless of whether or not they are going to buy the product anyway. Smart brand […]

A blurring of channel vision

Marketing Week

I was surprised to read your article in Marketing Week last week in which it was stated that UK Living had a share of viewing in cable and satellite homes that was double that of The Family Channel. While we are pleased to applaud the growth of any satellite channel, the comparison that was made […]

Apricot set to part company with CIA

Marketing Week

Apricot Computers is reviewing its media-buying activities and looks likely to drop CIA Medianetwork Direct. The Mitsubishi-owned computer company blames the departure of CIA staff after an agency restructure. Apricot group marketing director Chris Buckham confirmed last week that the company is looking for an alternative buyer to handle its £2.24m advertising account. “Nobody can […]

Killingbeck to set up a new agency

Marketing Week

Chris Killingbeck, one of the founding partners of sales promotion consultancy FKB Carlson, left the agency at the end of last week, along with five colleagues and a key account, Yellow Pages, to set up a new sales promotion agency, Killingbeck Cloughley Johnston Baggott. Keith Johnston was director of new projects at FKB, while Chris […]

Fingers crossed for a Dorrell cure

Marketing Week

What an appalling mess. No, not the Saatchi imbroglio for once, but the Government’s so-called media policy. The Broadcast Act 1990 seemed ill-conceived at the time. Now it has more holes through it than a piece of timber riddled with death-watch beetle. Will the Government clear out this deadwood with sweeping new legislation? Not before […]